Information about Africa
Information about Africa ° The area of Africa = 30.37 million square kilometers ° China's area = 9.6 million square kilometers ° The area of the United States = 9.8 million square kilometers ° The area of Europe = 10.18 million square kilometers ● Africa is larger than all of Europe, China and the United States of America combined. ● But in most of the world maps in the books, Africa is represented in a smaller size, so as to create the visual effect of Little Africa. - Africa has 60% arable land; - Africa has 90% of the reserves of raw materials; - Africa has 40% gold reserves; - Africa, 33% of diamond reserves; Africa is three times the size of China, three times the size of Europe, and three times the size of the United States of America. Africa has an area of thirty million square kilometers (30415,875 square kilometers); Africa has a population of 1.3 billion (China is 1.4 billion out of 9.6 million square kilometers).