
Visualizzazione dei post da settembre, 2021

Information about Africa

  Information about Africa ° The area of ​​Africa = 30.37 million square kilometers ° China's area = 9.6 million square kilometers ° The area of ​​the United States = 9.8 million square kilometers ° The area of ​​Europe = 10.18 million square kilometers  ● Africa is larger than all of Europe, China and the United States of America combined.  ● But in most of the world maps in the books, Africa is represented in a smaller size, so as to create the visual effect of Little Africa. - Africa has 60% arable land; - Africa has 90% of the reserves of raw materials; - Africa has 40% gold reserves; - Africa, 33% of diamond reserves; Africa is three times the size of China, three times the size of Europe, and three times the size of the United States of America. Africa has an area of ​​thirty million square kilometers (30415,875 square kilometers); Africa has a population of 1.3 billion (China is 1.4 billion out of 9.6 million square kilometers).