In one war, a soldier wrote # a letter found in his clothes after his death, saying: If you do not believe everything, if your mother told you on a silly TV show: He would have wished for martyrdom and he would have said: "We die, we die and live the homeland." Do not believe it. I did not say that. I love you, and I do not wish to die. , But the announcer, with the bright red, persuaded her to tell me about it. * My friend, who carried a picture of me on his Facebook page and wrote a poem, singing a certificate of mourning ... Do not believe him, he is a big hypocrite and how many times I asked him to borrow a small amount of money but he was evading me. * Your Excellency .. Do not believe him never singing my spirit of high combat and my love for the homeland at the memorial service, you see that elegant kit? He bought it from the theft of aid allocated to us, we are the sons of the poor in this country fuel for the wars they are burning, and the sons of the sovereign an...